Sturgeon predicts independence and united Ireland in UK ‘shake-up’ | BBC News
Brexit is ‘stifling’ Britain’s trade with Europe and the problem’s getting worse | CNN Business
Damage from Brexit is only worsening over time, economists say | HuffPost
Brexit deal impact ‘worsening’, economists say | BBC News
UK spending cuts would damage ‘foundations of the economy’, Reeves told | FT
Inflation set to rise further above 2% target, according to economists | iNews
The £311bn Brexit bill – how much leaving EU will cost UK by 2035 | The London Economic
Poll shows majority of voters want another vote on Brexit ‘within five years’ | The London Economic
The UK government: where dishonesty and cowardice meet | Nation Cymru
Financial leaders and party insiders warn Starmer: we need less gloom, more optimism | The Observer