Why do Britain’s goods and services exports appear to be holding up? | Centre for European Reform 09/03/2024 In EU, Trade, UK “If Britain’s total exports to the EU had increased in line with those of EU member states, they would have been 27% higher than they were in August 2023.” https://www.cer.eu/in-the-press/why-do-britains-goods-and-services-exports-appear-be-holding#:~:text=Brexit%20is%20almost%20certainly%20to,which%20we%20have%20comparable%20data). #EU #exports #Trade #UK End this Brexit madness now | Majorca Daily Bulletin Behind the Scenes: The rise and fall of the Brexit empire | Brussels Times Related Posts Gloucestershire health-kit delays ‘leading to patient suffering’ | BBC News UK trade volumes suffer record five-year decline | FT Hilary Mantel and William Boyd warn of book-industry collapse if ‘disgraceful’ post-Brexit change goes ahead | The Independent EU-UK “re-set”: What are the prospects for closer cooperation? | Euronews