Out! How Brexit sent one UK tennis kit firm to Romania | The Guardian 04/07/2021 In Trade, UK “Due to Brexit and lockdown restrictions, we had to leave England to allow our business to survive and expand.” https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jul/04/out-how-brexit-sent-one-uk-tennis-kit-firm-to-romania?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other&__twitter_impression=true #Romania #tennis kit Britain’s vegetables are rotting in the fields — soon imports will fill the shelves instead | The Sunday Times 10 real-life consequences of Brexit – six months after UK officially left the EU | Mirror Online Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Brexit is ‘stifling’ Britain’s trade with Europe and the problem’s getting worse | CNN Business We unionists who foresaw that Brexit would cause problems at the Northern Ireland border were ignored | Belfast News Letter Stephen Gethins: ‘We can’t fall into the same trap of Brexit disinformation’ | The National Britain’s era of cheap food is over, warn economists | Daily Telegraph