Why new post-Brexit ‘UKCA’ standard is proving such a headache for industry | Financial Times 12/07/2021 In Trade, UK “Plus, growing signs of labour shortages as government prepares to fully re-open economy.” https://www.ft.com/content/7245919b-78cb-4040-be1e-f6a216502b81?sharetype=blocked #Labour shortages #UKCA UK food worker shortages push prices up and risk Christmas turkey supplies Truss caught out over Brexit claims about trade | The New European Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Brexit has hit UK’s position as a gateway to Europe for imports, say freight firms | Euronews UK retail trade signals prospect of higher food prices | FT Inflation and predicted recession another hit to Cumbrian businesses | North West Evening Mail London to attract far fewer EU firms as Brexit risks ‘balance of power’ | Financial News