Labour must say it out loud: Brexit needs to be reversed | The Guardian 25/07/2021 In Economy, UK “In Northern Ireland, the Leavers’ folly is now manifest. How can Labour stay silent about the root cause of the crisis?” #Brexit reversed #Labour #northern ireland Retailers blame Brexit as food shortages sweep across Scotland’s stores | The National Deirdre Heenan: The protocol is the only real option, despite Britain’s fantasy protests | Business Post Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Brexit red tape risks winter of empty supermarket shelves | The Independent Channel Tunnel owner could sue EU over delayed Brexit border | Politico Almighty row over who’s to blame after business said it was quiiting Wales for France over Brexit | Wales Online Ex-NFU chief economist, Sean Rickard, shares his candid views on Brexit, food, farming and more | YouTube