Labor shortages give seafood sector a major headache | Intrafish 29/07/2021 In Industry, UK “‘Brexit’ in Britain and furlough programs on both sides of the Atlantic are exacerbating soaring labour costs, industry sources say.” #fish #furlough programs #soaring labour costs Brexit is limiting trade and will be a key constraint on the recovery | Pantheon Macroeconomics Wales voted to leave EU, but now finds itself in conflict with Johnson government | Financial Times Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts Up to 100,000 pigs ‘could be destroyed due to post-Brexit shortage of butchers’ | Metro Scottish independence: Nicola Sturgeon gives indyref2 date in major announcement | The National Rejoin EU Party leader to stand in Chester by-election | So Counties EU Lorry Drivers Say They Won’t Help UK: ‘It’s ‘S**t They Created Themselves’ | Huffington Post