Brexit and pandemic drive UK road haulage into crisis | Times of Malta 06/08/2021 In Industry, UK “Supplies of everything, from milk to sweets and tonic water, have been affected.” #milk #road haulage #sweets #tonic water Johnson warned over Brexit ‘haemorrhage’ of fishing workers | The Independent Post-Brexit exclusion frustrates UK pilots as carriers seek EASA-licensed crews | Flight Global Leave a Reply Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a comment. Related Posts ‘Don’t ignore Brexit’, SNP bosses say as local elections draw near | Aberdeen Live Brexit cost the UK the only good thing Thatcher ever did | William Keegan | The Observer Scottish fresh fish shunned as produce faces a 300-mile trip to Morrisons | The National March for Re-Join in London on September 23: why you should go and how to get there from Cornwall, Dorset and Devon | West Country Voices