Wasted opportunity: household recycling stalls as EU target to increase it was quietly abandoned after Brexit vote | Byline Times 30/06/2023 In Environment, EU, UK “The government drew up a new waste strategy in 2018, but five years on, there are no implementation dates for it, according to a report by the independent spending watchdog.” https://bylinetimes.com/2023/06/30/wasted-opportunity-household-recycling-stalls-as-eu-target-to-increase-it-was-quietly-abandoned-after-brexit-vote/ #EU #government #target #waste strategy Fears for British car production unless deal struck with EU, despite best May in four years | Sky News Eurozone inflation falls to 5.5% in sharp contrast to UK Related Posts Brexit means the end for many British freight forwarders | Outside Views – YouTube Why Britain joining the CPTPP is clearly not about the economy | South China Morning Post ‘We’re in danger of being the doom and gloom government’: can Starmer’s hardline strategy actually work? | The Observer Bitter pill for UK as AstraZeneca to locate new facility in Dublin