Lords Committee finds that post-Brexit UK-EU security cooperation is sub-optimal | UK Parliament 27/07/2023 In EU, UK “The committee is concerned that EU-UK security co-operation has been set back in certain significant respects.” https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/519/justice-and-home-affairs-committee/news/196694/lords-committee-finds-that-postbrexit-ukeu-security-cooperation-is-suboptimal/ #EU #Lords committee #security co-operation #UK Thousands of Brits unable to fly into Sicily while EU flights thrive | The Independent Independent Scotland would base citizenship on current Irish model Related Posts Brexit: Rules hit Brits wanting to work in the EU – ‘I should have gone to Wales’ | Express.co.uk Poll: Extent of backing for DUP ministersāĀ meetings with loyalist paramilitary representatives revealed | Belfast Telegraph Eastbourne, Hastings and Bexhill Stagecoach bus services cancelled due to national shortage of drivers | SussexLive Brexit red tape risks winter of empty supermarket shelves | The Independent