‘Everyone knows Brexit is a catastrophe’ – Fry lets rip live on BBC | The London Economic 10/09/2023 In Politics, UK https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/stephen-fry-brexit-bbc-356704/ #Brexit #catastrophe #Fry Thousands of EU flags spotted at Last Night of the Proms | The London Economic Rishi who? Sunak slips down pecking order in G20 scramble to court India | The Observer Related Posts Lincolnshire organic farm struggles to find workers after Brexit | The Lincolnite Brexit and Beer: A bad hangover for British brewers? | Dublin City University Brexit Institute Tories’ hard Brexit is putting people at risk from toxic chemicals – Dr Richard Dixon | The Scotsman ‘We didn’t get a single pound’: anger in Barnsley at broken Tory promises | The Observer