Rishi who? Sunak slips down pecking order in G20 scramble to court India | The Observer 10/09/2023 In Politics, Trade, UK https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/09/rishi-sunak-g20-india-delhi-summit #India #Modi #Sunak #Trade ‘Everyone knows Brexit is a catastrophe’ – Fry lets rip live on BBC | The London Economic Why I’ll be marching to rejoin EU | Sussex Bylines Related Posts Tusk sets out vision of progressive Poland at heart of EU | The Guardian Lords Committee finds that post-Brexit UK-EU security cooperation is sub-optimal | UK Parliament Scotland to open new EU hub amid push for indyref2 | The National Caroline Lucas and Dominic Grieve: It’s time to re-set, re-build and re-join | The New European