Toxic chemicals banned by EU since Brexit still in use in UK | The Guardian 17/09/2023 In Environment, EU, Health Services, UK “There’s absolutely no reason why we should not adopt those EU controls and it also poses problems for trading with the EU if we continue to fall further and further behind.” #EU #regulation #toxic chemicals #UK Only taxing and spending can repair the damage of Brexit. Who will tell Labour? | The Observer Toxic chemicals banned by EU since Brexit still in use in UK | The Guardian Related Posts Rejoin EU Party targets general election after London success | The Rejoin EU Party ‘It’s Brexit, it’s Covid, it’s like torture’: The many ghosts haunting traders at Manchester’s night market | Manchester Evening News Thousands of EU flags to be distributed for Last Night of the Proms | The London Economic Pro-Brexit Wetherspoon boss Martin admits he can see himself voting Labour | Devon Live