I love Britain but I’m sick of Brexit, says Gibraltar chief minister | Sunday Telegraph 25/09/2023 In EU, Politics, UK “The people of Britain did a massive disservice to the people of Gibraltar by voting to leave the EU.” https://archive.ph/2023.09.23-183951/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/09/23/fabian-picardo-love-britain-but-sick-brexit-gibraltar/ #EU #Gibraltar #Picardo #UK Business chiefs urge Labour to consider ‘fantastic’ plan to rejoin EU under new membership scheme | MSN/The Independent UK’s political short-termism is killing hopes of business investment | The Guardian Related Posts Cabinet of chaos, crisis and confusion | Scottish Bylines “We regard Brexit as a historic mistake, based on lies & wishful thinking. We must rejojn as soon as possible.” Rejoin EU Party Barnet candidates 2022 | YouTube EU and US slash tariffs, start cooperating on ‘green steel’ | Euractiv.com Industry and Uncertainty: Crises Loom Over Johnson’s New ‘Red Wall’ Strongholds | Byline Times