Brexit’s ‘not for EU’ food labels leave Brits baffled | Politico 08/01/2024 In Trade, UK “Post-Brexit rules requiring foods to carry ‘not for EU’ labels spark confusion – and, in some cases, outright disgust – from UK shoppers.” #food #labels Sunak outspending Trump on Facebook ads in desperate bid to stay in power | Mirror Online Drivers could face three years of Operation Brock when the new Entry-Exit System is introduced at Dover and Eurotunnel | Kent Online Related Posts Rejoin EU Party debates GB News on CPTPP | You Tube Budget shows Brits are paying price for Labour’s stubborn refusal to re-join EU, Rejoin EU Party says | London Loves Business ‘People now realise they were hoodwinked into a Brexit deal which hasn’t delivered’ – letters | Mirror Online Study in Republic confirms significant shift from Britain to NI suppliers under protocol | Irish News