Sharp fall recorded in UK’s post-Brexit trade figures | 04/03/2024 In Trade, UK “The UK is importing and exporting significantly less than it did before it left the EU, according to analysis by the FT.”,exports%20crashing%20by%2012.4%20percent. #EU #exports #imports #less #Trade Exodus: Eight troubling omens for the London Stock Exchange | City AM Brexit and Partygate blamed for loss of faith in UK democracy as voters back electoral reform | iNews Related Posts EU funds: UK government urged to fully replace money lost post-Brexit | BBC News Britain’s vegetables are rotting in the fields — soon imports will fill the shelves instead | The Sunday Times North Loses Out as Government Replaces EU ‘Shared Prosperity Fund’ | Byline Times Debate: Should the UK seek to re-join the European Union? | Redaction Politics